Vida Escolar | Colegio Merici

Vida Escolar

SNAPSHOT from our Head of school – January 2023

The Year 2023 started with activities for the staff from the first Monday of January, with the release of the official training plan of the “New Mexican School” and/or the “Plan and Programs of Studies 2022”, from the Ministry of Public Education, whose implementation starts in August 2023 for the initial grades of preschool, primary and middle school. As we reviewed and shared the official documents and learnt more about the model proposed by the SEP, it was pleasing to see that there is congruence and depth in the proposal as well as great coincidence with “Merici Moving Forward”


SNAPSHOT from our Head of school – October 2022

We hope that everyone is doing well after the start of the school year and that our students are settled, learning and happy. 

Every day we work to create a safe, caring environment that encourages learning and allows each student to benefit from school life. After the pandemic we have revisited the principles of community living, the development of social skills and the processes of emotional self-regulation. The practice of mindfulness and the spaces for artistic growth (visual arts, music, theater, design…) have added to the balance of the community. 


SNAPSHOT de nuestro Director General – octubre 2022

Esperamos que todos se encuentren muy bien tras el arranque del ciclo escolar y que nuestros alumnos se encuentren adaptados, aprendiendo y felices. 

Cada día trabajamos por generar un ambiente seguro, respetuoso, que favorezca el aprendizaje y permita a cada estudiante beneficiarse de la vida escolar. Tras la pandemia hemos retomado los principios de convivencia, el desarrollo de habilidades sociales y los procesos de autorregulación emocional. La práctica de “mindfulness” y los espacios de crecimiento artístico (artes visuales, música, teatro, diseño…) han sumado al equilibrio de la comunidad. 



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