Pre-First Preescolar
Means of transportation
Our first graders’ project was about means of transportation. They learned the importance of how people move from one place to another and some characteristics about them. They classified the way they move and the way they look. They also created their means of transportation using recycled material.
Fun cooking online!
During our online classes, we were working on our food unit. We had an incredible time preparing yogurt parfait. We used our senses to explore the ingredients, followed the recipe, and enjoyed our healthy snack together.
Segundo de Primaria | Second Grade
Los alumnos identificaron unidades no convencionales, utilizando gelatinas hechas de tierra para hacer las comparaciones.
Los niños a través de los Q-bits trabajaron el concepto de unidad, decena y centena.
Tercero de Primaria | Third Grade
In third grade, we are learning about dinosaurs. To correctly express past events, students are learning verbs in the simple past. This has been a great endeavor for the students. They have looked up the target verbs. They have taken pictures of their toy dinosaurs representing the action verbs. Basically, they have used the verbs in context while playing.
Cuarto de Primaria | Fourth Grade
During this unit in English, we discussed art that can be made with reusable materials. Fourth graders used Design Thinking to plan and carry out their idea. They transformed items that some people view as trash into nice artwork.
Quinto de Primaria | Fifth Grade
Los alumnos identificaron la inclinación del eje terrestre y los puntos, líneas y círculos imaginarios de la Tierra.
Sexto de Primaria | Sixth Grade
La descripción.- Uno de los recursos más importantes para desarrollar la imaginación es la descripción.
Los alumnos de sexto grado realizan descripciones que enriquecen los sentidos, al escribir pequeños textos toman fotografías a su imaginación.
A modo de ejemplo, una pequeña descripción de los bosques noruegos por Sebastián López de Silanes Torres.
“La calma antes de la tormenta en los tristes y peligrosos bosques fríos de Noruega, en un día gris y extraño, donde en el bosque se notaban los altos troncos de los temibles árboles Noruegos, donde las nubes grises y desesperadas viajaban lentamente hacia el norte, en un día fuera de lo normal en Noruega”.
Nada nos detiene, alumnos de 2° de primaria, realizaron
ejercicios de coordinación con test de memoria de patrones básicos de movimiento. ¡Divertidísimo!

Acción social
Siempre que se acaba un año y nos preparamos para recibir el siguiente, se habla de cierres, de agradecimientos, de cambios, de inicios y pareciera que se deja atrás todo lo vivido para empezar de nuevo.
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For the second year in a row, the Black Alumni Collective (BAC) at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School has invited our students to participate in a hackathon with students from their school and other schools in the United States.
Hackathon comes from the words hacker and marathon, and is an event where people come together to collaboratively come up with proposed solutions to a problem. This year’s theme was Creating more racially integrated and equitable experiences in independent schools that promote safety, trust, wellness and belonging.
Merici was represented in this edition by Sofía Arias, Guillermo Álvarez Morphy and Alberto Haber. They worked remotely for 3 days, each in a different team, to create an innovative proposal for a solution based on information and testimonies collected during the process.
Our students had an outstanding participation and were awarded 1st and 3rd place in their proposals.